The Dangers of “Proximity Signaling” in Venture Capital

Proximity Signaling When Investing

Venture capital (VC) has always been about finding the diamonds in the rough… the startups that will skyrocket in value and provide massive returns. But in the rush to spot the next big thing, investors can sometimes fall prey to a subtle bias: “proximity signaling”. Understanding this phenomenon is important for anyone in the VC space (or considering it).

What is Proximity Signaling?

Proximity signaling refers to the tendency of investors to associate the potential success of a startup with its closeness to other successful companies or influential figures. For instance, if a startup founder once worked at a well-known tech giant, some investors might assume that the startup is more likely to succeed, irrespective of its own merits or the viability of its business model. Essentially, it’s the investment equivalent of thinking someone must be a good singer because they once sang in the same choir as Adele.

Dangers of Relying on Proximity Signaling

  1. Misplaced Priorities: Investors might prioritize proximity signals over other, more crucial metrics like product-market fit, long-term viability, or the skills of the current team. This can result in bad investment decisions.
  2. Overvaluation: Startups that are good at leveraging proximity signals might secure investments at higher valuations than they might objectively deserve. This can set them up for failure in the long run when they can’t live up to inflated expectations.
  3. Missed Opportunities: Relying on proximity signaling can cause investors to overlook promising startups that don’t have apparent connections to industry giants or other success stories. This tunnel vision can result in missed opportunities for high returns.
  4. Herd Mentality: Proximity signaling can exacerbate the herd mentality, where investors flock to certain startups simply because others are doing so. This can inflate bubbles and lead to disastrous outcomes when the bubble bursts.

Combatting the Bias

For investors to avoid falling into the proximity signaling trap, they should:

  1. Diversify Sources of Information: Instead of relying on just a few signals or sources, investors should seek diverse inputs before making a decision. Sites like aVenture can help with your startup company research.
  2. Prioritize Metrics Over Myth: Real, tangible metrics and data about a startup’s performance, market, and potential should always take precedence over anecdotal connections or affiliations.
  3. Seek External Opinions: It’s often helpful to consult with third-party experts or analysts who might offer a fresh perspective, free from the biases that proximity can introduce.
  4. Stay Educated: By being aware of proximity signaling and other biases, investors can consciously work to counteract them in their decision-making process.


While it’s human nature to seek patterns and shortcuts in decision-making, it’s crucial to recognize when these tendencies can lead us astray. In the high-stakes world of venture capital, relying too heavily on proximity signaling can be a costly mistake. By being aware of this bias and actively working to counteract it, investors can make more informed decisions and increase their chances of backing the true winners in the startup world.